Fired Home Depot Union organizer Steve Pace holds a dog in front of a road and a green wooded hill

Help Steve Pace Stand Up to Home Depot’s Union Busting!

Fired Home Depot Union organizer Steve Pace holds a dog in front of a road and a green wooded hill

Steve Pace was organizing a union at the Seattle-area Home Depot store where he worked.

Then Home Depot fired him, even after 11 years of service.

Now, Steve is fighting to get his job back and to protect his union against one of the biggest, most anti-union companies in America―and he needs our help to make ends meet in the meantime.

If you can afford to, chip in a few bucks at Steve’s GoFundMe to make sure he can keep fighting to build this union.

Steve has filed an Unfair Labor Practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board, but even in the best of times, these charges take months to resolve. And Home Depot will deploy their lawyers to delay it as long as possible, hoping that Steve will give up. That’s how big corporations keep workers from getting organized―but that’s not going to work this time.

Steve is a tenacious advocate for himself and his coworkers. He started organizing because he got tired of seeing Home Depot churn through people for easily solvable issues. He wanted his fellow Home Depot associates to realize they deserve better because they’re what makes this company wildly profitable.

Greedy corporations like Home Depot have exploited workers with low wages and poor conditions for too long. That’s why it’s so important that when workers stand up, we show up in solidarity with them.

Visit Steve’s GoFundMe and help him keep fighting for Home Depot Workers United! Your donation will go immediately and directly to Steve.

In solidarity,

The Labor Force Team